Tom Ramcigam (magicmarmot) wrote,
Tom Ramcigam

I now have my first dental appointment in over ten years coming up tomorrow morning.

You might think "wow, over ten years, that's a long time", and you'd be echoing pretty much what the dentist's office said when I called about the appointment, along with uh-oh and that's not good.

Of course, I wouldn't make an appointment if it weren't for the pain.

Indeed, I have broken a tooth. The reason that it broke is apparently that there was a cavity. A big one that ate away from the inside. And it hurts. Keeping ice on it helps, so I have a handy verycolddrink sitting next to me with a lot of ice chunks.

And ibuprofen. And aleve.

I may need to get rum tonight.

Not panicking. Nope nope nope.

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