She has stopped responding.
Good thing I didn't ask her out.
I say that with some sarcasm, because it wasn't a romantic connection. Or at least I wasn't trying to make it one. It was a "wow, I never knew you liked these things too" kind of connection. A "hey, we should talk about stuff" kind of connection. A "You know, if we actually got together and talked, we might actually become friends" kind of connection.
Apparently, there wasn't a connection. And you know, I'm a little annoyed.
Hey, if you don't want to talk to me, it's pretty easy to just drop an e-mail that says so. If you might want to talk later but you don't have time right now, drop me a message and I'll leave you alone. But to just stop communication altogether-- well, it makes me feel like I'm not even worth a minute of your time. And I'll be dipped if I'm gonna let you have that kind of effect on me.
So farewell, interesting lady. May you find what you are looking for.