(coworker had camera phone.)
Back on the bike again tonight. I'm rapidly nearing the point where I have to bump up my time again. Next step is 55 minutes if I follow the trend, but I might just take it up to 60 and shoot for the even hour. It will probably help with those mid-workout milestones... it's easier to do a fifteen minute chunk than a 25-minute chunk even when the end result is a longer time. It probably means I'll drop the intensity a bit, but I think that's okay. I'm already solidy in aerobic territory for a good chunk of time.
Creative spongemonkeys are cavorting in my brain once again. It's showing up in small ways-- like the gourd carving, or the space prop I made a couple weeks ago-- I'm trying to channel it appropriately, but I'm losing the battle.
There will be time in the future for the creative outlets. Winter is very good for craftiness.