Tom Ramcigam (magicmarmot) wrote,
Tom Ramcigam

Elm meme de ElDogo's Birthday

You are a Return of the Living Dead Zombie. You
were brought back from the grave by exposure to
245-Trioxin. You crave the heavenly taste of
spicy brains to stop the pain of being dead.
You are virtually indestructible, as even
burning you up will create Zombie Rain and
raise more zombies.

What kind of Zombie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmm... wrong picture...

You are a Return of the Living Dead Zombie. You
were brought back from the grave by exposure to
245-Trioxin. You crave the heavenly taste of
spicy brains to stop the pain of being dead.
You are virtually indestructible, as even
burning you up will create Zombie Rain and
raise more zombies.

What kind of Zombie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmm... Boring.

Gettin' the Good Looks... - Harley-Davidson

What Make of Motorcycle Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah baby.

You are a Chevy CORVETTE.. You have total control
of others by just being who you are, even if
you can't control yourself. YOU ARE PURE SEX.
So buckle up, and wear a condom. Curves are
dangerous and you can't handle them as well as
you would like. But damn you'll look good doing

What Car From the 70's Am I ???
brought to you by Quizilla

I am pure sex. Heh.

You are Marijuana. You are a peaceful,
intelligent, and creative individual who is
open-minded and innovative about everything.
Even though you can sometimes be a paranoid
android, you awaken the senses of everyone
around you. Those who don't like you just don't
understand you. Save the world!

What kind of *Dangerously Exotic* Plant are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

And why am I not surprised?

You are Jarlsberg Cheese. You are robust &
pungent, and only truly appreciated by an
esoteric and worthy crowd.

What Kind of CHEESE are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Smell my power!

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