Tom Ramcigam (magicmarmot) wrote,
Tom Ramcigam

I've got a serious craving for fruit. Citrus fruit to be precise, probably a Vitamin C thing, and all I have is some RealLemon/RealLime crap that I got for making tea. That and some Ester-C tabs will have to do until I can get to the grocery store tomorrow.

I originally got up because I was now too hot and had tossed off all the blankets, thus cuing Sadie to come and snuffle me up so she could go outside. So I can easily go from too cold to too hot. Great.

Hurting, in the "I haven't been up on the ladder for many months" sense, and I spent hours on the damn thing today. Extension ladder, too, twisted around in all sorts of uncomfortable positions. Yes I know it's my own damn fault, but it's my journal and I get to whine.

Gonna try bed again. Dog is there now, beckoning to me with puppy eyes.

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