Tom Ramcigam (magicmarmot) wrote,
Tom Ramcigam

30 Days of Night was a whole lot better than I was expecting.

Except for the end.

Not too happy with the creatures either, mainly the look. I know it was based off of a graphic novel, but the translation to makeup missed something; I think when they tried shaping the eyes it just didn't come out right. The story was really good, surprisingly good, and I think it came a lot from the GN... intelligently thought out, and not overhanded with the foreshadowing.

The ending was abrupt and asked way too much of the suspension of disbelief. It seems an awful lot like it was Hollywood-ized, but not having read the GN, I can't say for sure.
Tags: movies

  • (no subject)

    Two words: Zombieland Rocks.

  • Oh HELLS YES!!!

    Link to the AICN article and LA Times here

  • (no subject)

    Just got back from Coraline. Gaiman kicks righteous ass, but you already knew that. I'll say go see it. Onto the bike now. Wish me luck!

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