And I thought no, I'm looking for an immature relationship, and flushed it.
But it got me thinking about what characteristics of a relationship are considered "mature". And the things that came to mind, things like trust, honesty, respect... those are things I do desire in a relationship, no matter what flavor it is.
And then I think about the ravages of gravity and time on the human body, and that's not particularly something I do desire. When I consider the changes in my life from when I was 30 to when I turned 40, the primary changes were physical. Sure, there was growth in knowledge and experience, but most of my identity as a person stayed pretty stable. And my desire for things like those in the above named list has stayed pretty constant too.
Backdoor way of saying that age does not equal maturity.
Kind of a useless post then, innit?
Move along, nothing to see here.