Your result for The Drama Royalty Test...
The Drama Critic
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Your result for Who do you think you are ?...
45% Individuality!
Take Who do you think you are ? at HelloQuizzy
Your result for How much of a drama queen are you? Test...
Drama Free!
Take How much of a drama queen are you? Test at HelloQuizzy
Your result for How Dramatic are You Test...
You're Shakespeare's Idol!!!
Even Shakespearee is jealous of you!!!!!
You are a:
- great writer!
- actor!
- producer!
I reccomend you act and write your movie. Just an idea.....
Thanks for taking the test, don't forget to rate!
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Your result for The Are You A Pain in the Ass Test...
Ass Pain Free!
Congratulations! You are a normal person! Your friends and partners love you for your laid back, easygoing, reasonable attitude! You don't set expectations for the people in your life, you don't play mind games, and when they spend time with you, their asses are pain free and blissful, like they squatted down in a big ol' bowl of warm chowder! Keep being yourself and you'll do well, grasshopper.
Take The Are You A Pain in the Ass Test at HelloQuizzy