Second, cable guy came to take away the box today. They also hard disconnected the cable, so now we are at the mercy of broadcast TV until such time as we decide to pick up on sattelite. Time-Warner cable is atrocious-- we kept getting escalated to the point where we were paying almost 3 bucks a day for programming that was ultimately crap. And really, Buffy and Angel are on free TV. I will miss TLC and Discovery a little, but I'll get over it. And we have DVDs. :)
BTW, the cable company keeps a permanent record based on your address. I learned some interesting stuff about the previous owner of the house.
Third, some stirrings on the job front. More jobsurfing last night resulted today in two phone calls and three new leads. No interviews, but at least something.
Straignened out the living room a bit. Mostly organizing bills and paperwork. Found the missing W-2. Started a little collection of fake credit cards that come in the credit card applications. Wondered if any of them understand what "pre-approved" really means.
Did some laundry. Had to fix the dryer vent-- it had come apart and was venting back into the laundry room. Good for retaining heat and humidity, bad for carbon monoxide.
Valentine's day: nada. We're staying in. Barb has to work, and we don't have money to go out.
Wondering if there are fraternity tests so you can discover whether your siblings are actually yours.
The little candies in the dish in the bathroom are not actually candy.
And duct tape won't stick to your windows when it's cold.