As of today, I am officially broke. Emptied out the piggy bank tonight, and came up with $136.52 to cover $131.87 in outstanding checks. That will carry us through Friday. Barb gets paid then, which will hopefully carry us through another week, then I get an unemployment check.
Unfortunate upcoming expenses: internet hosting, car insurance on 2 vehicles.
These are scary times, boo.
Gotta say the food choices are getting interesting. We are well into the mystery meat; tonight's repast consisted of canned chicken, canned turkey, canned cream of mushroom soup, and chow mein noodles. All off-brand. Aside from the dog-food factor, it was actually pretty tasty. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
Possibility that I may end up doing a week's worth of electrical contracting. Depends on the homeowner's insurance company, as I am not licensed/bonded/insured. Most likely not.
On a good note, miniskirts are back in this season. Shortest hemlines in 30 years.
New season of six feet under starts soon. I'll be missing it, which is a bummer as it's one of my favorite TV shows.