Not everything in life is easy.
I suppose when stuff is hard, it makes it more meaningful. Worth more in the long run. But sometimes it just seems unnecessarily cruel.
In some ways I'm lucky. I've managed to come out of a lot of trauma relatively unscathed. Not completely-- I do have my scars and still-bleeding wounds-- but for the most part I'm alive and in one piece. I've developed a lot of friendships that are very solid, I have a lot of talents and abilities, and I have a place.
I know that there are a lot of people that are worse off than I am right now. A couple of people that I have recently met are either recovering from or going through some severe emotional trauma, far worse than anything that I can remember going through. My heart goes out to them. I wish I could do or say something to make it better, but I can't even find words that sound like anything other than "there, there, dear... it will get better". And I know how crappy that can sound when you are in real pain. But what else can I do?
I'm in a tiny limbo right now. I am not really making progress in anything. Well, that's not exactly true. I'm making progress in a lot of things, just not as fast as I'd like to be. The progress that I'm making is steady and slow, instead of the leaps-and-bounds type that I'd like to be making. I suppose there is a time for progress and another time for hunkering down and weathering the storm, but I'm impatient. I wanna get laid, dammit!
Okay, so I'm being frivolous. It's more that I miss human contact. Actual physical contact. Hugs, snuggles, caresses. Smooches.
Ah, well.