electronic. But my Sadie pooch doesn't read or talk on the phone, so she
doesn't know that I'm ever coming home, and she can't tell me when she
misses me or anything. And I can't tell her that I miss her. It makes
for sad Rob.
Having a kind of a down day. Not so much down as full of apathy. I just
don't care about this project at all. I keep slogging through trying to
make it function, but my heart just isn't in it.
Maybe it's just Monday. Maybe I've been here too long. Maybe I need to
get away before I am forever sucked into the hatred of the industry.
Maybe it's already too late.
My mind is preoccupied with thoughts of motion picture camera related
things. I have in mind the beginnings of an idea for a motion-control
dolly/crane, but there is much left to figure out.
Camera is another issue. I've been thinking about upgrading my current
camera, but in looking at what it would cost, it might make more sense
to get an entirely new camera. Still a moot point (hey! Look over there!
A Moot!) since I don't really have the vast sums of cash needed to do
It means I will probably continue having to whore myself out for a
while. Though maybe I can whore a little closer to home soon.