Well, I also ended up doing a little bit of flirting with our new evil actress. Nothing overly gratuitous, but I did end up rubbing her feet during the dailies (to be fair, she had been wearing heels for several hours and was complaining that her feet hurt), which I do believe was rather well regarded-- she reciprocated with a bit of head skritching, which was verra verra nice.
Thing was, I was on. Confident, happy, entertaining, it was one of those days when everything seemed to go right. Or maybe not everything, but the stuff that went wrong was just too small to matter. And it's been carrying over into today a bit. I think it might be partly motivated by the success that we've been having on this movie: I have been making consistently good lighting decisions, the composition and framing that I've been doing has been solid, and we have really had some spectactular moments visually.
It would be nice if this was a trend.