Done with filming, truck is cleaned out and the lights put away on the shelves. It's weird not having this almost-panic-mode feeling of we're shooting tonight, and my mind is wandering back to the Big Broken Box™ and fixing and making it a home again.
It actually looks like it may be warm enough this week to pour concrete. I was figuring it was going to be a wash until spring, but if I can get it poured and it can cure, I can actually do some carpentry over the winter, which will save my ass time in a big way.
There are also some other projects in the works for the house, so it's not like I won't be busy. I want to move the studio equipment into the Room Where No One Walks so that the studio itself can be gutted and I can have easier access (and warmer in the winter). I need to clean out the basement of crap so that I can move the big tools back inside for the winter.
The health issues. Big ass-munch there. The Opti-fast program is $1100 for the initial consultation and $100/month for the food. The kicker is that it's not billed to insurance, so I'd have to pay up front, and the budget doesn't have an extra $1100 in it right now (and won't for a couple of months).
I'm considering other options for now, at least for a while.
Scary stuff Batman.