JAN: Happy noo year.
FEB: And doubly sorry if you were eating a salad.
MAR: Still, lots of gratuitous nudity.
APR: Rats enjoy being tickled.
MAY: And you know, I think I'm okay with that.
JUN: And now I shall proceed to be cranky for a while.
JUL: Bleah. I sound boring.
AUG: I'll even buy dinner at Applebee's.
SEP: I think I may have lost an internal organ.
OCT: If I had to sum up tonight in two words: Holy shit.
NOV: Scrimshaw show, funny. Me, way too exhausted.
DEC: Headache to beat the butcher's wife.
This one's with the first sentence of each month's entry:
JAN: Well, there ya go.
FEB: I ended up cutting the workout short a bit last night.
MAR: One year ago today was my first day here at Des Moines.
APR: We have now reached that portion of our programming day where the pseudoephedrine kicks in and makes sleep impossible.
MAY: Short version: I'm home.
JUN: Well, it had to happen sooner or later.
JUL: I am packed.
AUG: EDIT: If you need directions, call my cell phone.
SEP: Just filled up my gas tank.
OCT: If I had to sum up tonight in two words: Holy shit.
NOV: Forms are in place, more or less.
Neither one really sums up the year at all.