Cloud of interests for magicmarmot
aesthetic resonance animation animatronics audio production audio theater automata theory backrubs body parts bose cadavers casting cinematography complexity theory corpsemaking creative people creativity creature effects creepy cthulhu cunnilinctus cunnilingus darkness director of photography diy do it yourself dog magic dream interpretation dvd production editing embedded systems programming emergent behavior emotionally stable strippers entrepreneur erotic touch exhibitionism extrasensory deprivation eyeballs fear fetish clothing flexible women fuckbuddies game theory ghosts goth goth babes great asses great sex greg nicotero halloween handjobs haunted houses haunting headstones home improvement horror horror films horror incorporated horror movies humor illusion independent filmmaking independent films information theory intimate sensual encounters joss whedon kidneythieves kissing knb fx lifecasting lighting little black dress loose women low-budget filmmaking low-budget horror movies machine learning making corpses making headstones making horror movies massage massage exchange memetics minneapolis movies nipple gravy open relationships oral sex photography pighead pin-up girls polyamory pretentious crap production prop building props rick baker scary shit science fiction scrimshaw brothers self-awareness semiotics sensory experiences sensual massage sensuality set building sexworkers sfx short skirts skeletons skinny dipping skulls sluts sound effects sound stage special effects special effects makeup steadicam strip poker synthetic consciousness synthetic sex tantric massage tarot teledildonics the moose of death tom savini uwe boll video production voyeurism welding women of caliber you smell like butt zombiesCreated by lazy_neko